Counselor's Corner

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

February Student/Parent workshop

February 6 Domestic Violence

February 8 NAEP Testing for 77 seniors

February 13 Making College Count

February 21 Job Corps

February 22 Be on the safe side Campaign

February 28 Graduation and Beyond

Monday, February 19, 2007

Helping Students

Word ...


Make goals short-term. Achieving success particularly early on and especially repeated successes , is a proven motivator. Define how and when you will measure progress and achieve goals.


Let the student know you trust them If trust is broken, deal with the issue immediately

Be trustworthy yourself. Keep your word. Honor confidentiality.

Saturday Workshops/ Community Service

WEAVE (Women Empowered Against Violence) offers a series of one time workshops on the third Saturday of each month from 10:00a.m. to 12:00 a.m. This can be a cool way to be informed and you can also get community service hours. Hmmm.

January 10 Healthy Relationships

February 17 Teen Dating Violence

March 17 Self Esteem and Self Care