Counselor's Corner

Monday, February 19, 2007

Helping Students

Word ...


Make goals short-term. Achieving success particularly early on and especially repeated successes , is a proven motivator. Define how and when you will measure progress and achieve goals.


Let the student know you trust them If trust is broken, deal with the issue immediately

Be trustworthy yourself. Keep your word. Honor confidentiality.


  • At 8:16 AM, Blogger Resource Center said…

    My name is Victoria Norman. As a parent of two girls in the 10th grade at Calvin Coolidge High School, I have been very please with the assistance Ms. Roper has provided by ensuring my children are placed in the classes that are required for graduation and college entrance.

    Ms. Roper continually counsels my children on opportunities available to them as they prepare for college. It was with her recommendation that they were accepted into the Howard University Upward Bound Program which has been most beneficial to their success in high school. The classes they take while in the Program augment the instruction they receive at Coolidge High School.

    As a parent it is very important to have a Counselor that is supportive of the goals you set for your children and reinforces them each day. My children know they have an ally who will ensure they receive the best education possible while at Coolidge.

    Thank you Ms. Roper for your support.


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